Tuesday 16 October 2012


Life is not always a smooth journey.
Life is always full of tests and trials.
Life is always full of challenges.
Life is always full of changes.

Do we control our life, or it is our life that controls us?

Does it help to complain about everything around us, except ourselves?

Why do we fight, fight and fight?

We fight over petty matters.
We create issues out of non-issues.
We speak as if we are always right and the other party is forever wrong.
We act as if no one is ever smatter than ourselves.
We blame everyone but ourselves.

In the end, we get exhausted. 
In the end we make more enemies than friends.
In the end we become a pain in the neck.
In the end people remember us for our negativity.

If only....
we choose to look at the brighter side of things
we choose to be positive
we choose to be understanding
we think before we open our mouths
we put ourselves in other's shoes

Life would be a smooth journey, no matter what the challenges are
Think positive, and insyaAllah we will behave positively

Friday 12 October 2012

Menguruskan badan atau menurunkan berat badan?

Assalammualaikum dan selamat sejahtera kepada pembaca yang budiman (if any, ahaks)

Di Malaysia ni, penduduk-penduduknya suka makan.
Tak kira orang Melayu ke, Cina ke, India ke, Kadazan ke, Iban ke, Sikh ke, kacukan ke semuanya suka makan.
Termasuklah tuan tanah blog Between A and Z ni ha. Hai teramatlah sukanya makan.
Masa makan bukan main selera lagi, tak ingat dunia, ibaratnya.
Lepas makan....




Bila dah burp few times, barulah terfikir "Oh, I have overeaten"
Barulah teringat yang aku makan tadi tu banyak kolestrol, berapa banyak kalori aku dah telan ni.

Masa tuan tanah Between A and Z telah memasang satu azam.
Yeay, azam nak kurus.
Hah, biar betul Kak Yang, azam kau nak kurus?
Kenapa? Tak percaya?

Well, nothing is impossible right?  Dont think I am this big, I cant be smaller.
I am challenging myself - turunkan berat badan.  Dan lepas tu, perlahan-lahan kuruskan badan.

Be Grateful

How many times did we complain about things that we should not have bothered?

How often did we make noise about small matter that in the first place, should not be a matter?

How frequent did we grumble on the negativity when we should have focused on the positive aspects of life?

We wake up on Monday morning, complaining that the weekend was gone too fast.  But we forget to appreciate that we are still able to wake up in one piece on Monday morning.

We complained that our bosses suck, terrible, slave driver, kedekut, fussy, garang nak mampus, etc, etc, etc.  We forget that having to face a terrible boss is better than not having a job.

We complain that our house is too small, yet there are so many homeless people out there.

We envy our neighbour who changes his car every 2 years while we are stuck with the same 10-year old car.  We forget that so many people have to rely on bus, taxi, lrt, komuter to travel.

BE GRATEFUL!  A reminder to myself too.