Wednesday 23 January 2013


Without saying, we know that attitutude is important is getting us to where we want to be.
Positive attitude is a pivot of a succesful life.  We strive to maintain positive attitude at all times.  But what happen when life gives us a blow?  Are we able to retain the positive attitude, or do we tend to let our attitude take a dive along the difficult situation we are facing?

Surely it is tough to maintain the same positive attitude in two contrasting situations, but should we are able to carry on with our good attitude, we will be able to walk through the challenging period with ease.

Cakap senang ya?  Macam mana tu nak maintain high spirit, positive attitude all the time?  Kita ni kan manusia, ada perasaan.  Logiklah kalau kekadang tersedih sedu, or naik angin or hati membara dengan circumstances yang tidak berpihak kepada kita.

But in sya Allah, boleh.  I have read many articles talking about maintaining positive attitude in difficult situation.  Macam2 tips and techniques yang dicadangkan.  As a Muslim, I would like to share my own ways of keeping positive attitude when circumstances are down.  These are the things/steps that I would/have taken and they can be done concurrently:

1.  nangis - to me menangis is a therapy.  Nangislah puas2.  Airmata kita sendirikan, suka hatilah banyak mana airmata kita nak limpahkan.  Biasanya lepas nangis, I feel my chest is lighter.  I am a woman, so its OK for me to cry.  But what about man, nak nangis jugak ke?  Ish, nangis jelah, apa salahnya.  To me tak kuranglah kemachoan seseorang lelaki kalau dia nangis.  In fact, I respect lelaki yang tidak segan mempamerkan tangisannya.  We are human and human is full of emotion.

2.  bersyukur - count your blessings and be grateful, in whatever situation.  Bear in mind, the situation could have worsen.  Jadi lafazkanlah kesyukuran.  Bila kita bersyukur, kita akan mendapat tenaga yang positif.  Bersyukur ketika diuji adalah sifat orang yang beriman.

3.  bertenang - jangan gabra, jangan melatah.  This act of losing control over yourself will only bring your attitude down.  Just remember this difficult situation is only temporary. 

4.  berzikir dan berdoa.  Berzikirlah banyak-banyak untuk mendapat ketenangan. Berdoalah kepadaNya memohon petunjuk dan dipermudahkan urusan yang perlu ditempuhi.  Pinta juga dariNya kekuatan dan iman untuk mengharungi dugaan.  And don't forget to ask for His forgiveness too.

5.  bertindak.  Yes, go ahead and take the necessary action.  Bila hati tenang dan attitude kita positif, kita akan bertindak dengan rasional, bukan emosional. 

Sekadar berkongsi, ta da.

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